Sunday, July 31, 2016

IReport issues with Java 8

So IReport does not work  properly with Java 8... and I had to find that out the hard way ;-)

Here I have some tips for those of you who still use IReport (3 to 5)

When running with java 8 IReport3 will not show 'library' window contents  - where you usually expect to find 'buttons' like totals, page number, current date etc. and as far as I remember IReport5 will not launch at all.
You can check which java version is used by the IReport if you go Help->About->System Properties. There you can find 'java.version' variable.

So for ireport3 the workaround is to use ireport.bat file which is located in the ireport3 root directory.
Just add to the bat file something like path="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26"
so that proper java will be used to launch IReport.

For irepor 5 you can edit  ireport.conf file (e.g. iReport-5.6.0\etc\ireport.conf)
and add  jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26"   

Note that you should have java6 jdk also installed on your system for the above to work.

That's it for today... 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Thunderbird Ldap address autocomplete problem...

Recently I installed Thunderbird (email client) and hooked it up to Ldap.

I set up the LDAP server as follows:

Port(default)   :  389
Base DN          :  dc=organization, dc=com
Bind  DN         :
Filter(default) :  (objectclass=*)

The Problem:

1. Whenever I tried  to compose a new mail - the auto-complete feature of the "To" field either wasn't working at all or brought limited number of names from the Ldap server - without bringing the name that I was looking for.

On the other hand within the address book everything worked fine (searching / finding etc).

Very strange behavior...

2. Another thing I noticed was, that whenever I tried to create local replica of LDAP catalog - download failed.


Solution I found for those two problems was to change the default port to 3268 which is apparently port for searching in Global Catalog.