Monday, January 25, 2016

Thunderbird Ldap address autocomplete problem...

Recently I installed Thunderbird (email client) and hooked it up to Ldap.

I set up the LDAP server as follows:

Port(default)   :  389
Base DN          :  dc=organization, dc=com
Bind  DN         :
Filter(default) :  (objectclass=*)

The Problem:

1. Whenever I tried  to compose a new mail - the auto-complete feature of the "To" field either wasn't working at all or brought limited number of names from the Ldap server - without bringing the name that I was looking for.

On the other hand within the address book everything worked fine (searching / finding etc).

Very strange behavior...

2. Another thing I noticed was, that whenever I tried to create local replica of LDAP catalog - download failed.


Solution I found for those two problems was to change the default port to 3268 which is apparently port for searching in Global Catalog.